In this LAB, I have 2 servers hosted in my own laptop’s VirtualBox :
- :
- :
OS: CentOS 6.6 x64
But in real life, I place puppet-master on my own laptop (using Ubuntu) and puppet-agent on VirtualBox. It’s very easy for me to code on my machine and test by appling to the testing server.
Step 1 : Set Hostname of the servers
It’s an easy task, everyone can do it :)
Make sure puppet-agent can ping by hostname. You can do it using /etc/hosts file or your own DNS Server.
Step 2 : Enable the Puppet Labs Package Repository on both nodes
The newest versions of Puppet can be installed from the package repository.
Enterprise Linux 7
$ sudo rpm -ivh
Enterprise Linux 6
$ sudo rpm -ivh
Enterprise Linux 5
$ sudo rpm -ivh
Step 3 : install the puppet master on (you will do this task only once )
Run the command :
[root@puppet-master ~]# yum install puppetserver -y
It will install puppet master and all it’s dependencies .
Configuring the Master with config file /etc/puppet/puppet.conf
# The Puppet log directory.
# The default value is '$vardir/log'.
logdir = /var/log/puppet
# Where Puppet PID files are kept.
# The default value is '$vardir/run'.
rundir = /var/run/puppet
# Where SSL certificates are kept.
# The default value is '$confdir/ssl'.
ssldir = $vardir/ssl
####### DNS Name , Change your own Name
dns_alt_names = puppet-master,
##Enable Auto Sign Agent SSL Certificate ###
autosign = false
# The file in which puppetd stores a list of the classes
# associated with the retrieved configuratiion. Can be loaded in
# the separate ``puppet`` executable using the ``--loadclasses``
# option.
# The default value is '$confdir/classes.txt'.
classfile = $vardir/classes.txt
# Where puppetd caches the local configuration. An
# extension indicating the cache format is added automatically.
# The default value is '$confdir/localconfig'.
localconfig = $vardir/localconfig
Start & enable the puppet master service
[root@puppet-master ~]# service puppetserver start
[root@puppet-master ~]# chkconfig puppetserver on
Note: The puppet master must has more than 2199MB of RAM or you will get the message: Exception in thread “main” java.lang.Error: Not enough RAM. Puppet Server requires at least 2199MB of RAM.
If you are in testing environment and your server doesn’t have enough RAM, start it in no-daemonize mode
[root@puppet-master ~]# puppet master --verbose --no-daemonize
In Production Server, please follow the instruction to Install Puppet master for production environment.
In the first time running puppet master, the master will generate itself a certificate .
Puppet Master will be started on Port TCP 8140. Please ensure that this server is reachable by this port.
Step 4 : install the puppet agent on (you will do this task anytime you have a new server )
Run the command :
yum install puppet -y
It will install puppet agent and all it’s dependencies .
Configuring the Agent with config file /etc/puppet/puppet.conf
# The Puppet log directory.
# The default value is '$vardir/log'.
logdir = /var/log/puppet
# Where Puppet PID files are kept.
# The default value is '$vardir/run'.
rundir = /var/run/puppet
# Where SSL certificates are kept.
# The default value is '$confdir/ssl'.
ssldir = $vardir/ssl
## Point to the puppet-master host ###
server =
## SSL Certificate Hostname ###
certname =
# The file in which puppetd stores a list of the classes
# associated with the retrieved configuratiion. Can be loaded in
# the separate ``puppet`` executable using the ``--loadclasses``
# option.
# The default value is '$confdir/classes.txt'.
classfile = $vardir/classes.txt
# Where puppetd caches the local configuration. An
# extension indicating the cache format is added automatically.
# The default value is '$confdir/localconfig'.
localconfig = $vardir/localconfig
There are two modes when running Puppet agent :
- Daemon : it will periodically fetch configuration from Puppet Master if we start the puppet agent service service puppet start
- Command : It will fetch configuration from Puppet Master whenever we run command puppet agent -t
Like Puppet master, at the first time running, Puppet agent will generate a SSL certificate as it’s identifier.
If Puppet master enable autosign , the puppet master will accept the agent’s certificate.
If Puppet master disable autosign, we have to manual accept the agent’s certificate by issue the command on Puppet Master:
puppet cert list ## This will list all unaccept requested SSL certificate.
puppet cert sign ## This will accept the certifiate
That’s how to setup for Puppet Agent to connect to Puppet Master .